From the new reefer trailer to used thermo king refrigeration units for sale, there is no doubt about it that reefer trailers are more popular than ever before – at least here in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that there are currently at least five hundred thousand – half of a million – reefer trailers in use all throughout this country alone, from the new reefer trailer on the road for the very first time to the used reefer trailers that are also still highly functional and not to be discounted. And thanks to the growing need for the new reefer trailer and the used reefer trailer alike, the market for reefer trailers has never been more prosperous than it is today.
But it’s not just here in the United States that the need for the new reefer trailer is growing, though as many as forty thousand of them were ordered in the United States in the January of this current year (the year of 2018) alone, marking an increase in orders by as much as two hundred and fifty percent over the course of just one single year. In fact, the need for new reefer trailers and used reefer trailers is growing all over the world, with the global market for such things anticipated to reach a value that exceeds seven thousand and six hundred billion dollars by the time that we reach the year of 2022, which is now less than four years in the future – closer to three years, in fact. This will mark a CAGR growth rate of very nearly five percent per year since the year of 2016, a truly impressive amount by just about any standards.
But there are certainly many things that you should know when you look to purchase a new reefer trailer. For instance, how much can a used or new reefer trailer carry? Typically, the maximum weight for any type of reefer trailer does not exceed forty four thousand pounds, though the maximum weight for each individual reefer trailer, used or new, is likely to vary from trailer to trailer, especially when they are made by different companies. The exact size of reefer trailers, from the new reefer trailer to the used reefer trailer, will also vary by quite a bit, and it’s important to look around until you find the new reefer trailer (or the used reefer trailer, at that) that is the right size for your needs.
For instance, a reefer trailer, used or new, can be as short as twenty eight feet in length. However, it can also easily be as long as fifty three feet in length, though any given reefer trailer will most likely not exceed this length. In addition to this fact, it’s also true that most reefer trailers will not exceed thirteen and a half feet in height, though some will be shorter by quite a bit.
And in addition to this, it’s also important to know how to operate the used or new reefer trailer that you have purchased. The temperature in particular will be important to monitor, though the exact temperature that you set your new reefer truck at is likely to be mainly determined by the goods that you are transporting. Typically, however, the temperature of a new or used reefer trailer should not exceed a maximum of seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Conversely, it will be important to do your best to keep the temperature of the reefer trailer from dipping below negative twenty degrees Fahrenheit.
In addition to this, regular servicing and maintenance for your new reefer trailer is also likely to be necessary, as would maintenance of any other vehicle or trailer be required as well. By following through with a recommended schedule for servicing and providing maintenance for your reefer trailer, you will likely be able to keep it in top quality and condition for many years to come, something that will certainly save you money in the long run here in the United States and thorughout the world.