Coffee is more than just a morning habit—it’s a cherished beverage that fuels our daily activities and connects people. Beyond its rich aroma and robust flavor, coffee offers a multitude of health benefits, especially when enjoyed in the morning. So if you’re guilty about indulging in that daily cup of joe, consider the benefits and perhaps even treat yourself to a coffee subscription for a convenient and delicious way to start your day.
1. Fat Burner
Are you worried about obesity or contemplating starting a diet? If you are, don’t skip your morning coffee! Coffee is one of the few natural supplements proven to aid fat burning. Research shows that caffeine can boost your metabolism by as much as 11%.
A faster metabolism means your body can burn calories more efficiently, helping you manage your weight. What’s more, caffeine increases alertness and concentration, making it a great pre-workout drink. Studies have shown that men who drink a cup of coffee an hour before cycling finish their workout five percent faster than those who don’t.
2. Prevent Kidney Stones
Incorporating black coffee into your diet is also beneficial if you suffer from kidney stones. Coffee increases urination, which helps expel excess calcium and sodium—the main culprits behind kidney stones. A Harvard study concluded that there are 26% fewer chances of developing kidney stones in people who drink coffee regularly. So, whether you’re looking to prevent kidney stones or just maintain your kidney health, a morning cup of coffee can be beneficial.
3. Protect Your Brain
Alzheimer’s and dementia are diseases that currently have no known cure, making prevention crucial. Coffee can play an essential role in protecting your brain. Regular coffee consumption has been associated with a 65% decrease in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, a Japanese study revealed that people who drink just one cup of coffee per day are 20% less likely to suffer from a stroke. Starting your day with coffee can be a simple yet effective way to support your long-term brain health.
4. Lower Risk of Diabetes
Managing type 2 diabetes can be challenging due to the associated health risks, including heart disease, nerve and kidney damage, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Drinking caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee can help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which reduces blood sugar concentration and lowers the risk of diabetes by seven percent. Whether you’re already managing diabetes or aiming to prevent it, incorporating coffee into your morning routine can be beneficial.
5. Replenish Vitamin Stores
Coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants in the Western diet. A single cup of coffee contains vitamins B2, B3, and B5, as well as essential minerals like manganese and potassium. Vitamin B2 is known to prevent heart disease and cancer, B3 improves blood cholesterol levels, and B5 stabilizes blood sugar levels. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining overall health, and coffee provides an easy and enjoyable way to incorporate them into your diet. However, it’s important to note that drinking coffee on an empty stomach may cause indigestion and heartburn, so it’s best to enjoy it after a meal.
6. Protect Against Cancer
Coffee’s protective effects against cancer are impressive. Vitamin B2 in coffee helps lower the risk of colorectal cancer by 15%. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute suggest that people who drink coffee are 20% less likely to suffer from melanoma, a type of aggressive skin cancer. Other studies have found that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver, oral, pharyngeal, endometrial, colon, prostate, and melanoma cancers. Adding a cup of coffee to your daily diet can be a proactive step in reducing your cancer risk.
7. Good for Skin
The vitamins and antioxidants present in coffee help regulate blood flow to the skin, reducing acne and stretch marks. Coffee’s rich antioxidants kill dead cells and remove impurities, making the skin smoother and brighter. These properties also help reduce the premature aging of the skin. For those concerned about their skin health, incorporating coffee into your morning routine can offer visible benefits.
8. Sexual Health
A recent study concluded that drinking just two cups of coffee a day could dramatically improve your sex life. Men who drank two cups of coffee daily were 42% less prone to erectile dysfunction compared to those who didn’t. Coffee is rich in erection-friendly polyphenols and can possibly increase testosterone concentrations, enhancing blood flow to essential organs. So, if you’re looking to boost your sexual health, a morning cup of coffee might be just what you need.
9. Mood Booster
The caffeine in coffee prevents a naturally occurring compound that triggers tiredness from attaching to brain receptors. This increases alertness and attention, making you feel more awake and productive. Caffeine also increases the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Starting your day with coffee can improve your mood and help you tackle the day’s challenges with a positive attitude.
Word of Caution: Drink Coffee in Moderation
Coffee offers a myriad of health benefits when enjoyed in moderation. According to the dietary guidelines, it’s safe to drink three to five cups of coffee a day with a maximum intake of 400 milligrams of caffeine. Exceeding this amount can lead to adverse effects, so it’s essential to balance your coffee consumption.
Closing Thoughts
With all these benefits, there’s no reason not to enjoy your morning cup of coffee. From boosting your metabolism to supporting your mental health, coffee can be a powerful ally in your daily wellness routine. So, wake up to wellness and make coffee a part of your daily ritual!