People in the United States absolutely love coffee. Studies have been conducted and data has been gathered to back this claim. Plus, a simple visit to most offices in the United States will show that a majority of these workplaces and offices have white disposable coffee cups, wooden stir sticks, and custom paper coffee cups.
Other studies and data have been collected that reveal that coffee is believed to help people focus while they are working. Some people even go out of their way to avoid social interactions until they have coffee in their hand with stir sticks to stir up the sugar and coffee cream. Here are all the facts on stir sticks, white paper cups, and all the coffee in between.
Any office that has coffee needs stir sticks because it helps make coffee tolerable for people that like sugar and cream. In the year of 2014, the United States managed to import just about 28 million bags of coffee which comprises 25% of all global coffee important. This statistic is important because it means that the United States is the largest buyer of coffee in the world.
The coffee market in the United States has a retail value that is believed to be almost around $50 billion with specialty compromising approximately 55% valued share. Recent statistics and data have determined that most American consumers will drink about 1 and a half cups of coffee per day. A large amount of this coffee is consumed in the morning when people are either getting ready to go to work or once they reach their workplace.
Preparing coffee at home has gone up 4 percentage points with 86% of all past-day coffee drinkers reporting that they made coffee at home. So not only are stir sticks and coffee common in the workplace they are even more popular at home with many people. This is because so many Americans want to get that warm cup of coffee they need before they leave for work so they can be fully awake on their morning commute.
The two primary types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta and the large majority of coffee used in the specialty industry is the Arabica type. Specialty coffee can include espresso, cappuccino, and even lattes. Nearly 37% of all coffee cups in the United States are represented by specialty coffees and are considered to be the highest quality coffee-related drinks in the world.
Just about half of the population in the United States drinks espresso, cappuccino, latte, or iced and cold coffees. The half of the population mentioned manages to equate to about 150 million Americans. Understand that amount of money generated by independent coffee shops managed to reach $12 billion in annual sales over the past few years.
Coffee has never been so popular as just about 30% of the population drinks coffee occasionally. Plus, 65% of all coffee is consumed during breakfast hours, 30% of all coffee is consumed between meals and the remaining 5% is consumed with other meals. Understand that 35% of all coffee drinkers will prefer to drink their coffee black while the other 65% of all coffee drinkers will use stir sticks to add sugar or cream.
Most of the coffee sold by independent shops is brewed coffee but nearly 31% of this involves espresso-based drinks. It has been proven that drinking anywhere between three to five cups of coffee a day can help prevent the decline in the cognitive awareness that is associated with aging. This can help lead to a 65% decrease in developing Alzheimer’s or dementia.
In Conclusion
People love drinking coffee and it seems like this trend is only going to continue to grow as times goes on. There is slim chance that people are going to dislike drinking coffee in the future or that people will grow to dislike coffee. Coffee is only going to become more and more popular with the rise of starbucks and more mainstream coffee shops as well.